
No-code campaign management 


Above the line marketing campaigns are easy to manage manually. However, as soon as an organization matures towards a below the line marketing strategy, using technology to manage campaigns becomes a necessity. Unfortunately, most marketing departments are not equipped to deal with complex databases, programming skills and so on.


In order to execute a successful customer engagement strategy, marketers must have real time customer lists based on the complex segmentation criteria. Getting hold of database administrator to work their magic on customer database, and pull out relevant lists is time consuming and often proves to be a bottleneck. Designing marketing communications using design agencies takes forever. And then, if you want to personalizing each marketing message, that becomes a different ballgame altogether. The entire process of executing a simple marketing campaign become a big project involving Database administrators, IT, Designers and so on.


Campaign{IT} provides advanced campaign management capabilities to consumer goods brands. It comes with powerful segmentation engine to help marketers generate most relevant customer segments in real-time, without requiring and programming/database knowledge. The in-built communication design studio lets marketers design email/SMS/in-app campaign on the fly without requiring any designing knowledge. Using Campaign{IT}, marketers can execute a personalized campaign all by themselves within minutes.  

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